Dalè o said what?!?

“The Secret is in the Dirt”

The Great Ben Hogan once said “The Secret is in the Dirt” … and us, thinking this was a clue to achieving his greatness are scooping and digging dirt on every swing… the problem, the divots are a foot before the ball. We are all guilty of this at one point or another, especially in the early stages of our golf swings! I literally just started hitting down ball first, then divot. What a world of difference hitting ball first creates! Distance, accuracy, and less wrist injuries haha!

Hogan probably should’ve finished the sentence “The Secret is in the Dirt after the ball” haha! So I took some pictures of some divots this weekend, glad to say neither were mine, but I will not name names haha! Then under the photos I included an image and video of me hitting ball then ground! When you go out on the range / course try to do what I did here haha, not the prior!

Disclaimer: I’m an 80s Golfer & not a Golf Professional. I simply share my experiences & my ways of golfing! After all, there are more golfers like me, then there are “pros”! Have some fun on the course as I do, while improving the game at the same time!

Club used in Video: Ben Hogan PTX Pros

@iDaleeeO November 29, 2021

a person standing next to a hole in the grass
a hole in the grass with a golf ball in it
a man hitting a golf ball on a golf course
a man hitting a golf ball on a golf course

Tempo is Everything !!!!

Someone can have no tempo, no rhythm and still have a great time on a dance floor … that is not the case on a golf course tho. Tempo is everything! Let me explain!

On the right I attached 2 videos, the first of which I swing nice and easy, effortlessly bombing my Ben Hogan GS53 Max Driver with tempo…. The second video, Using the same club, I overswing, tempo all out of whack, and it shows in the result and my balance. In golf, you don’t muscle a ball, you don’t try and kill a ball, you swing with tempo, and crazy enough with tempo your ball goes FAR! It’s all in the mechanics and tempo! What do I mean by tempo, well, in a golf swing 100 things have to work together! I rounded down, but it’s true, every movement, every Inch, your center, your head, your chest, your hips, your legs, your club, your club face etc etc etc … with tempo alllllll of the above work together to complete a successful swing! The second you try to muscle the ball or go after it a little to much, none of the above work together, and becomes a messy out of whack unbalanced swing! Trust me try less and it’ll go further!

Yes, long drivers swing monster swings, but guess what, those monster swings have tempo that they work on daily, swing thousands of time, they aren’t just swinging hard! It’s a f’n art! I’ve tried to “Maurice Allen” the ball before and pretty sure it ended up one of the ugliest attempts ever while almost hurting myself! Let the long drive pros swing with 150MPH Tempo, you just swing your swing, IN TEMPO! Keep the bad tempo and rhythm for the dance floor!

Disclaimer: I’m an 80s Golfer & not a Golf Professional. I simply share my experiences & my ways of golfing! After all, there are more golfers like me, then there are “pros”! Have some fun on the course as I do, while improving the game at the same time!

Club used: Ben Hogan GS53 Max Driver

@iDaleeeO October 28, 2021

Dalè O gets creative

Using his Ben Hogan

EQII Wedges!

Short Game is such an important part of the golf game. Yet you go to the golf range and all you see are people trying to crank a driver or swing a 7iron as hard as possible. That’s one way never to improve!

Something I’ve started to do when I’m at the golf range is wedge work! What do I mean by that (See Video)… I get creative with my Ben Hogan EQ2 wedges. I pick targets, then I go after those targets, some with a high approach, some with a low approach. Getting creative, shaping the shot, etc … I take pride in my ability to “SKramble” as we like to call it! Being able to create a shot when necessary!

I truly feel that doing the above, and getting a wedge game dialed in will have me more consistently in the 70s low 80s. I’m extremely confident right now from 120 in with my Ben Hogan EQ2 Wedges !!!!!! (My setup includes a 50* / 54* / & a 60*).

Disclaimer: I’m an 80s Golfer & not a Golf Professional. I simply share my experiences & my ways of golfing! After all, there are more golfers like me, then there are “pros”! Have some fun on the course as I do, while improving the game at the same time!

@iDaleeeO September 30, 2021

Dalè O tries out the new

Ben Hogan Golf Edge EX

Game improvement Irons!

After I posted an Instagram story stating that I had received the New Ben Hogan Golf Edge EX Game Improvement iron to try out, the Direct Messages started flowing in of interest to know what I thought. So I figured I would share here for all to see.

Why me? I’m no pro, so why me? I say because there are more ME’s in this golf industry, then there are “pros aka scratch golfers”. I’m the have fun, throw some back, and score in the 80s type of golfer. In saying that, here we go …

I have attached the video of the range session below, where I hit the Edge EX, I miss-hit the Edge EX on purpose, & I hit the Edge along side my PTX Pros.

With the Edge EX, they are “Game Improvement” irons… with the cavity back. Personally nothing made me happier many years back when I left the cavity back for the smaller muscle back. But in going back to the cavity and hitting these irons I must say they felt clean off the face, and even in trying to miss-hit them, coming off clean with good shots still the result, I must say I will definitely recommend the Edge EX Irons to my friends and followers that are starting out or even still in the early stages of their game all the way upto a mid handicap! These clubs perform!

Now, in saying the above, I am truly madly in love with my PTX PROS, and will not be leaving them for the Edge EX myself. Watch the video below and even after hitting some really nice shots with the EX’s, nothing brings a smile to my face like my PTX Pros! I feel like I found my gold in them!

With Ben Hogan, you have the advantage to actually demo these clubs and find which are right for you !!!! So don’t just take my word for it, go on the Ben Hogan Golf site & start the process! Happy Golfing MiGente !!!! dalè

@iDaleeeO August 30, 2021